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随着Zewditu的离去,Tafari被加冕为埃塞俄比亚国王,并取名为Haile Selassie I. 1931年,他介绍了该国的第一部宪法,呼吁建立两院制立法机构。有些人认为这是民主道路上的第一步。三年后,意大利军队根据贝尼托·墨索里尼的命令入侵埃塞俄比亚,塞拉西动员了一支军队。埃塞俄比亚军队在几个月的战斗中遭受重创,1936年皇帝的军队从前线撤离。他和他的家人决定撤离亚的斯亚贝巴的首都,前往法国索马里兰。与此同时,墨索里尼宣称埃塞俄比亚现在是一个意大利省。从1936年到1941年,Selassie和他的家人住在英国巴斯,他大部分时间都在写回忆录和生活故事。此外,他还不知疲倦地反对意大利的宣传,并反对墨索里尼部队对埃塞俄比亚人的暴力行为。他试图为国家争取国际支持,并且要求国际联盟进行干预。 1942年,他回到埃塞俄比亚,将他的国家从意大利占领带回来。在接下来的二十年里,他试图改革国家的政府结构,对教堂财产征税,废除奴隶制,并试图减少埃塞俄比亚各民族之间的冲突。不幸的是,在Selassie的统治下遭受了公民权利,在1960年代和1970年代,埃塞俄比亚军队对平民犯下了无数的暴行。此外,大规模饥荒严重影响了几个省的人口。


With the departure of Zewditu, Tafari was crowned King of Ethiopia and named Haile Selassie I. In 1931, he introduced the country’s first constitution and called for the establishment of a bicameral legislature. Some people think this is the first step on the road to democracy. Three years later, the Italian army invaded Ethiopia according to the orders of Benito Mussolini, and Selass mobilized an army. The Ethiopian army was hit hard in a few months of fighting, and in 1936 the emperor’s army was evacuated from the front. He and his family decided to leave the capital of Addis Ababa and travel to Somaliland, France. At the same time, Mussolini declared that Ethiopia is now an Italian province. From 1936 to 1941, Selassie and his family lived in Bath, England, and he spent most of his time writing memoirs and life stories. In addition, he tirelessly opposed the Italian propaganda and opposed the Mussolini forces’ violence against Ethiopians. He tried to secure international support for the country and asked the international coalition to intervene. In 1942 he returned to Ethiopia and brought his country back from the Italian occupation. Over the next two decades, he tried to reform the state’s government structure, tax church property, abolish slavery, and try to reduce the conflict between Ethiopian nationalities. Unfortunately, under the rule of Selassie, civil rights were suffered. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Ethiopian army committed countless atrocities against civilians. In addition, mass famine has seriously affected the population of several provinces.