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红海龟是杂食性的,以各种无脊椎动物,鱼类,藻类,植物和孵化龟(包括其自身物种的海龟)为食。红海龟在它们的前肢上使用尖头鳞片操纵和撕裂食物,乌龟用强有力的下巴压碎。与其他爬行动物一样,龟的消化率随着温度的升高而增加。在低温下,红海龟不能消化食物。许多动物捕食log龟。成年人被虎鲸,海豹和大鲨鱼吃掉。嵌套的女性被狗,有时是人类猎杀。雌性也易受蚊子和肉蝇的影响。海鳗,鱼类和鲑鱼都会吃掉青少年。鸡蛋和雏鸟是蛇,鸟类,哺乳动物(包括人类),蜥蜴,昆虫,螃蟹和蠕虫的猎物。红海龟背上栖息着30多种动物和37种藻类。这些生物改善了海龟的伪装,但它们对海龟没有任何其他好处。事实上,它们增加了阻力,减缓了龟的游泳速度。许多其他寄生虫和几种传染病会影响对等生物。重要的寄生虫包括吸虫和线虫。红海龟在白天最活跃。它们在水中度过高达85%的时间,并且在浮出水面之前可以保持浸没长达4小时。它们属于领土,通常在觅食地方相互冲突。在野外和圈养中,女性 – 女性的攻击很常见。虽然海龟的最高温度未知,但当温度降至约10°C时,它们会变得震惊并开始漂浮。


Red sea turtles are omnivorous and feed on a variety of invertebrates, fish, algae, plants and hatching turtles (including their own species of turtles). Red sea turtles use pointed scales to manipulate and tear food on their forelimbs, and the turtles are crushed with a powerful chin. Like other reptiles, turtle digestibility increases with increasing temperature. At low temperatures, red sea turtles cannot digest food. Many animals prey on log turtles. Adults are eaten by killer whales, seals and big sharks. Nested women are hunted by dogs, sometimes humans. Females are also susceptible to mosquitoes and flies. Sea otters, fish and squid will eat young people. Eggs and chicks are prey for snakes, birds, mammals (including humans), lizards, insects, crabs and worms. The red sea turtle is home to more than 30 species of animals and 37 species of algae. These creatures have improved the camouflage of sea turtles, but they have no other benefits for sea turtles. In fact, they increase the resistance and slow the turtle’s swimming speed. Many other parasites and several infectious diseases affect peers. Important parasites include trematodes and nematodes. Red sea turtles are most active during the day. They spend up to 85% of their time in water and remain submerged for up to 4 hours before they surface. They belong to the territory and usually conflict with each other in the foraging area. In the wild and in captivity, female-female attacks are common. Although the maximum temperature of the turtle is unknown, when the temperature drops to about 10 ° C, they become shocked and begin to float.