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哈勃的工作使他进入了一个新的研究领域:红移问题。多年来它一直困扰着天文学家。以下是问题的要点:螺旋星云发出的光的光谱测量结果表明它向电磁波谱的红端移动。怎么会这样?解释结果很简单:星系正以高速从我们身后退去。他们的光线向光谱的红色端移动是因为它们离我们这么快。这种转变称为多普勒频移。哈勃和他的同事米尔顿·胡马森利用这些信息提出了一种现在被称为哈勃定律的关系。它说星系离我们越远,它就越快离开。并且,暗示它还教导宇宙正在扩张。埃德温·哈勃(Edwin P. Hubble)因其工作而获奖,但不幸的是,他从未被认为是诺贝尔奖的候选人。这不是因为缺乏科学成就。当时,天文学并不被认为是物理学科,因此天文学家没有资格。


Hubble’s work has brought him into a new field of research: the redshift problem. It has been plaguing astronomers for years. The following is the point of the problem: the spectral measurement of the light emitted by the spiral nebula indicates that it moves toward the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum. How could this be? The interpretation is simple: the galaxy is receding from behind us at high speed. Their light moves toward the red end of the spectrum because they are so fast from us. This transition is called Doppler shift. Hubble and his colleague Milton Humason used this information to propose a relationship now known as Hubble’s law. It says that the farther the galaxy is from us, the sooner it leaves. And, it implies that it also teaches that the universe is expanding. Edwin P. Hubble was awarded for his work, but unfortunately he was never considered a Nobel Prize candidate. This is not because of the lack of scientific achievements. At that time, astronomy was not considered to be a physics discipline, so astronomers were not qualified.