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圣安东尼瀑布(St. Anthony Falls)是密西西比州上唯一的瀑布,而其下方的桥梁石拱桥(Stone Arch Bridge)是由天然花岗岩和石灰石制成的非凡设计。 这座前铁路桥长2100英尺,宽28英尺。 石拱桥的23个拱门由铁路大亨詹姆士·J·希尔(James J.Hill)于1883年建造,使双城在河上得以扩展。 位于明尼阿波利斯的明尼哈哈河(Minnehaha Creek)上的明尼哈哈瀑布(Minnehaha Falls)是早期摄影师最喜欢的主题。 这些照片激发了亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)的想像力,尽管他从未见过,但他在史诗《 Hiawatha之歌》中使用了瀑布。


St. Anthony Falls is the only waterfall in Mississippi, and the Stone Arch Bridge below it is an extraordinary design made of natural granite and limestone. The former railway bridge is 2,100 feet long and 28 feet wide. The 23 arches of the Stone Arch Bridge were built by the railway tycoon James J. Hill in 1883, allowing the Twin Cities to expand on the river. The Minnehaha Falls on Minnehaha Creek in Minneapolis is a favorite theme for early photographers. These photos inspired the imagination of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, who had never seen it before, but he used a waterfall in the epic “The Song of Hiawatha.”