When using the Harvard style for In-text references the author(s) family name, the year of the work’s publication and the page number must be provided. The following section shows you a number of different examples when quoting and paraphrasing in the text of your assessment. In all citations, you will need to list:
将哈佛风格用于In-text引用时,必须提供作者姓名,作品发表年份和页码。 以下部分在评估文本中引用和释义时向您展示了一些不同的示例。 在所有的引文中,您需要列出:
The author(s) surname (or authorizing body or organization);
The year of publication (if no date can be found, use n.d. (meaning: no date);
The page number(s) on which the information being cited appears in the original source. Use p. for one page and pp. for more than one page. If there are no page numbers, include only the surname and year of publication.
引用信息的页码出现在原始来源中。 使用p。 一页,pp。多页。 如果没有页码,请仅包括姓名和出版年份。下面是一些示例:
Single page: Smith (2005, p. 45) argues that … 单页
More than one page:… each situation must be evaluated (Smith 2005, p. 45-46). 大于一页
No date: Millins (n.d., p. 246) highlights the importance…. 无日期
No page numbers: Jones (2010) outlines a potential process….. 没有页码
If you directly quote fewer than 30 words, enclose the quotation within single quotation marks in the text. The year of publication of the work along with the page number(s) should be provided, as illustrated below. 如果直接引用少于30个单词,请将该单引号括在文本中的单引号内。 应提供作品发布年份和页码,如下所示。
Less than 30 words:
Mullane (2006, p. 118) referred to this correlation as ‘a statistical anomaly’. OR….with presentations, ‘structure must be clear and precise’ (McCarthy 1996, p.69).
If the quotation is greater than 30 words, it should be displayed in a double-spaced, indented block without quotation Importantly, it should be introduced in your own words, as illustrated below.
More than 30 words:
One commentator’s suggested that: If any similar qualitative research is to be undertaken in the future, then stringent controls should be put in place to ensure such statistical anomalies do not occur through lack of methodological rigor, particularly through the corruption of data inadequately stored and processed (Mullane 2006, p. 66).
If the source has one to three authors, all surnames must be listed within the citation in the order presented in the source. In works with four or more authors, include only the surname of the first author and the abbreviation ‘et al.’ (meaning: and others) for the in-text reference. N.B.: In the reference list all the authors must be listed regardless of how many authors there are. 如果信息来源有一到三位作者,则所有姓氏必须按照信息来源中列出的顺序列在引文中。 在与四位或四位以上作者合作的作品中,仅包括第一作者姓氏和缩略词“et al。”(意思是:和其他人)的文字参考。 N.B .:在参考文献列表中,无论有多少作者,都必须列出所有作者。
One to three authors: A recent study (Marshall, Brady & Thomas 2013, p. 46) make the case …. OR Enderle, Bronzino and Blanchard (2005, p. 411) argue that …. 1到3位作者
Four or more authors: A recent study (Lim et al. 2014, p. 46) shows that… OR A seminal study (Zimmerman et al. 2005, p. 589) demonstrates that ….. 大于等于4位作者
When paraphrasing, use the same referencing style and conventions as you would for direct quotes but omit the quotation marks. 在进行释义时,请使用与直接引号相同的引用样式和约定,但省略引号。
Paraphrasing: … could be costing around $10 billion each year (Morris 2001, p.8).