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历史学家和心理学家Harlan Lane指出,“这种研究存在道德困境。 如果你想做严格的科学研究,那么Genie的兴趣有时会在第二时间出现。 如果你只关心帮助Genie,那么你就不会做很多科学研究。 所以,你打算做什么?“Genie被认为是活着的,并且生活在成人寄养家庭中,作为加利福尼亚州的病房。 与Genie合作的语言学家Susan Curtiss试图与她取得联系时,她一再遭到拒绝。 然而,她说当她打电话给当局时,他们告诉她Genie很好。 然而,当记者Russ Rymer在她的27岁生日派对上看到Genie时,他描绘了一幅更加黯淡的画面。 同样,精灵医生Jay Shurley在Genie的27岁和29岁生日时声称Genie很沮丧并且已经退缩了。


Historian and psychologist Harlan Lane pointed out that “this kind of research has an ethical dilemma. If you want to do rigorous scientific research, then Genie’s interest sometimes appears in the second time. If you only care about helping Genie, then you I don’t do a lot of scientific research. So, what are you going to do? “Genie is considered alive and lives in an adult foster home as a California ward. When linguist Susan Curtiss, who worked with Genie, tried to get in touch with her, she was repeatedly rejected. However, she said that when she called the authorities, they told her that Genie was fine. However, when reporter Russ Rymer saw Genie at her 27th birthday party, he painted a more bleak picture. Similarly, Elf doctor Jay Shurley claimed Genie’s 27th and 29th birthdays on Genie’s 27th and 29th birthdays and was already frustrated.

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